
Friday, 4 June 2021

Do Women Really Sit Around Talking About How Food Affects the Taste of Semen?

 20210604 Shep as Author -- Available for republishing on your blog after 20210611 with my permission.


"Almost any sexually active adult I know has commented about the affect [sic] of eating  pineapple on the taste of semen.  This is not a huge secret.  Maybe it is to INCELS [sic] like Shep."  

dERp 20210602 The Swamp

Alright Ladies, and Gentlemen (she did say "...any sexually active adult..."), usually I answer the questions but today I'm asking:

1.)  Does the rest of the world really sit around talking about the different flavors of mansauce?

I can tell you with 100% certainty that no friend of mine, male or female, has ever approached me to suggest that if I ate some pineapple it would change the taste of my pearl jam.  Real life experience tells me there is a high probability that dERp has this everybody-is-a-semmenelier story completely wrong with respect to the mostly hetero crowd I run with.  No one has ever suggested that I should deposit man-milt in a snifter so that he or she could gently waft the vapors toward his face in hopes of catching one of my more subtle bouquets.  

2.) Have all of you guys been having cutty-putty tasting parties and leaving me out?  

If yes, you-do-you, bless your heart, and please don't add me to that invite list.  

2.)  If one is attending a nut-custard tasting and detects a whiff of coriander in the sample, is it rude to bring this to the attention of the head onanophile?

3.) Seriously, what constitutes an off-flavor for a camel-toe-jam cummaisseur?  

4.) In an informal setting, if one detects an ugly flaw in one's bone-broth aftertaste, would it be proper to bring it to the attention of the baby-sauce-barrista?

5.)  Let's assume that one's salt-malt is balls-on top-dead-center to the International Jizz Garglers posted standards.  Does one swallow this exceptional dong-drink or spit it into a crachoir in hopes of preserving one's ability to discriminate the flavors waiting in the next cloying flute of man-ranch.

6.)  Is passing-the-oyster to the designated snow-baller the correct vocabulary when one takes advantage of the crachoir?

7.)  What level of enthusiast must one be to recognize the six S's of spooge tasting?

8.)  Is it fair to assume that dERp has "commented" on the subtleties of tole tasting with "...almost any sexually active adult..." at her work?

9.)  For my lady readers, are you really having conversations with "...almost any sexually active adult (you) know..." about the different flavors of eel chowder?

dERp's swamp dwelling friends have been quite eager to give her affirmation that they also love to share notes on shame gravy flavors with almost "...any sexually active adult..." they know.

10.) Is it possible that dERp's perception that "...almost any sexually active adult (she) know(s) has commented about..." different aromas linked with baby yogurt, is a spurious artifact arising from a very limited and ephemerally transient sample size (friends of dERp) and the tendency for deviants to seek acceptance from other deviants?

dERp's now defunct blog did provide us with actual photographic evidence of at least two people she knows engaging in semen taste testing.  Among these images is one of dERp upvoting a recipe for an alcoholic shot mixed with horse semen.  Screen caps available upon request.

Chinese workers extracting skeet-skeet from prisoners for use in 
Chinese Fizz, a drink consumed to celebrate the New Year.  Analysts have speculated that the expansion this year from seasonal to year-round extractions is due to the increasing popularity of a recent American fad, in which all sexually active adults are expected to competently engage in conversations about minor differences in the taste of dong-flob.  This breakthrough fad is believed to have started among a group of co-workers/barflies in the area around the University of Minnesota.

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