
Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Trick Or Treat!

It's almost Halloween. Ghouls and Goblins and Zombies Galore!  Paul is a'skeered of Zombies!

And then there's our favorite pumpkins.

Yes I stole this one yesterday.

Then there's favorite costumes. Will you be dressing up for Halloween?

And your favorite candy...Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Jaw Breakers?

Ok, y'all get the idea. It's all about Halloween...don't hide behind the chain saws! Will it be Trick or Treat?

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...