
Saturday, 7 September 2019

Way the hell off target with She Dong and Stan

She Dong is currently operating in a submarine off the coast of Korea and is not available to comment at this time.
Hello everyone.Stan here again.I am just sitting here not contributing or writing for a blog.
Paul has an awesome Blog and She Dong is very happy with his progress in spreading free speech and thought while having a laugh.
So in my ultimate wisdom at close to 50 years old I thought starting wrestling with other grown men would be a good idea.It was fun and I did learn much more about fighting than I ever knew before.
Also trying to overpower and choke other grown men while they try and do the same to you is lots of fun.
Until you run into the guy who twists your shoulder where it was not supposed to go.
So fast forward to the chiropractic office and the Dr with all his voodoo bone stuff and treatments.
The Dr was a very nice man and seemed very knowledgeable.
I have been to other chiropractors before so I thought this would not be a big deal.I was wrong.
So I am face down on the table and as he plays "mood music"while rubbing my spine and counting bones and making comments about my ribs and other assorted boney things....Then Blammo...Two fingers almost in my asshole. Like right above my asshole(of course I am fully clothed,so it's even weirder than you are thinking)
He goes back and counts vertebrae and shit...Then Blammo again...Right above my asshole as the jazzy mood music fills the room with the blue shades over the lights....
He did not pop my back or neck....My shoulder still hurts and the pain is shooting down my elbow....
And let me tell you how uppity and arrogant my asshole has got sense it got all the attention.
Sometimes even an asshole is an asshole..
It was my first I had to pay extra for the mood lighting..
Do you guys think that was a wise investment?
Should I go back?
Has your asshole ever acted stuck up?

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...