
Thursday, 8 August 2019

Working for the Weekend

Hi Paul and Pals. :-) CU here just to say a quick 'Howdy' and if I don't see you again before, I hope you enjoy your weekends.

Also I wanted to mention how awesome I think it is that <a>Paul with the nice hair</b> went to the trouble to create this neat new place for us to hang ... 22 1/2 more days til that other place goes <b>POOOOF!!</b>

Wanna share some of your thoughts on DISQUS channels going poof, ...  or anything else?

How about my <a><b>UGH</a></b> discussion. I haven't peeked in for a bit ... Hope more of you chose to drop by and contribute some. :')

I believe <b>C O V E R T -- P A U L ... will a great place to drop by.

We're Comin' to Your City</b>

The Psychology Of Trolling

As denizens of the internet,most of us are familiar with trolls. In this episode of SciShow,learn a little about how social scientists think trolls came to be,and how online communities are figuring it all out.


OK,after some discussion ,I've decided to clear the ban list.let's get down and boogie.

Are Instagram Right To Get Rid Of Likes And Views?

Yesterday,social-media giant instagram began hiding likes and video views as part of a trial aimed at removing'pressure'from it's users.The move which has been rolled out in seven different countries,was done with the intention of encouraging users to focus on 'sharing the things' ,they enjoy,without  fear of judgement.

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...