
Wednesday, 9 October 2019

C O V E R T ???

While I'm wondering why Paul chose the name he did for this Blog, I'm recalling days past.

Back nearly 3 yrs ago there was a member that was contemplating discontinuing playing at Disqus. She deleted several accounts until she finally got rid of the one she created COVERT DISCUSSIONS with.

It came as a surprise to me when another member had tagged me to tell me that the other member wanted me to have Covert Discussions. Without much thought I reached out to start the process of adopting it. Some odd things happened before the channel was officially mine ... UGH, I never should have gone to the trouble to get that one.

Anyhow, ... After several attempts to make something of the channel, including offering to let others take it over (as the option to adopt/transfer had been eliminated) without success, I'd all but given up on it.

Then Disqus started NUKING channels. I finally decided to offer COVERT to someone that had been involved with numerous channels that had been NUKED. I added what I thought would be good Mods that were familiar with each other and what they enjoyed out here online. It went pretty well for a bit.

I don't believe anyone really wanted their channels NUKED and it NEVER was made clear exactly why any of them had been. I honestly didn't care if they nuked some of my channels. I would have deleted them myself, but most believed that wasn't possible. SOME SAID IT WAS ... That's another story.

Nearly four months into it Disqus NUKED Covert Discussions. It was such a shock, I immediately invited them to Disqus Outlet. I told them I had a back up plan if CD was shut down. It wasn't difficult to guess why some channels were being NUKED, and it was just another BS move by Disqus.

Not long after Paul created this place. 

What inspired him to call it Covert Paul?

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...