
Thursday, 5 September 2019


Hello blog readers and welcome to Paul's blog.It's a very nice blog and Paul has very 
nice hair. I will be posting a picture before the end of the thread so stay tuned.
This is the random comments and off topic discussion with the worlds #1 advocate for 
free speech...SHE DONG.
She dong is a free speech operative currently active somewhere on the Korean 
peninsula. She is not ready to comment at this time.
So here is the channel system...GONE....
With all the bans I got from the Disqus free channels and 79 cents I can buy a small 
cup of coffee ....That's how much all those bans mean now.
Lets not forget the important part...STAN IS STILL HERE....same profile...same 
e-mail address...still ranting about silly things while he pokes fun at your version of 
reality.Here is the funniest part...I don't have a blog.I did not really make this post.I 
am neither a moderator or a contributor on this blog....
I AM STAN.................MOTHERFUCKERS.....your silly rules don't apply to me.
So yea...Paul looks like he has the best blog(and I mean the beat moderation)
available to me at this moment in time.
So here we go ...Let's have some fun at Paul's blog...and let's compliment his nice hair...
I mean...really....that's a full head of hair.

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...