
Tuesday, 16 July 2019

So,what are Zeta Global's plans for the channel system.

It seems to me and most people on the channel system that every new measure brought in,is designed to cut traffic on the channel system.
The biggest one of course is not being able to make new channels,so as channel owners and mods leave, the channel will die a death.
They have been very hot recently on removing channels and people,some of them very popular ,another way of cutting down on traffic,some were removed for TOS violations and others because they were dead channels.
The question needs to be asked now ,is why don't they just nuke it now and get it over with,or have they set a date to nuke it,once traffic has become so low.I can't see them just letting it die because they are still technically responsible for it and have to deal with the constant complaints.
I think disqus's greatest channel owner summed things up perfectly.
JOC said in one of his video's that disqus had had enough of all the complaint's,after all this is a free service and if you're not getting paid,why would you want the hassle.
The funny thing is the people who feel all high and mighty because they have got rid of channels and people they don't like with their constant complaining have or are in the process of destroying the channel system for themselves,it's a bit like Turkeys voting for Christmas.
Whatever happens from here on in,I will always be happy that I never became a snitch and reported any channel or person.
I'm only here to have some fun and pass the time,but to some people it seems to be their life and they are the ones who have destroyed it.
One person who seems to be constantly attacking people is the cheese woman,I don't know if she is working for disqus to lower traffic or she is just a nasty person who hates seeing people have fun,but I would love to see her face when she switches her computer on one day and there is nothing there ,the whole channel system nuked.

So.what are your thoughts on the subject.

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...