
Tuesday, 6 August 2019

UGH !!

* chuckles

Created by Alias ~ Trish (CommUnique)

 I've been trying to learn how to Blog and I'm having quite the time of it. UGH!!
I created one: The first thing I did wrong was put my email address where I thought I was supposed to. I couldn't even figure out how to make the first post on the OP I started with.

Then I went to Disqus and tried to add that. Next thing I know I have a DisqusBlog and the title is my email address. One positive, I was then able to post on the first Blog I created, but I don't know how to create anything on the Disqusblog. WTH?

So, I created another blog and tried again. I can't seem to add Disqus commenting on it this time.
Now, Paul has invited me to post OPs here.
Only it's not with my Alias account I'm using now, it's the one I used to create second Blog.

I have never been good on a computer when it came to playing.
I know how to do office work and I can type as fast as I can talk.

How is everyone else managing in creating a new place to post once Disqus goes poof?

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...