
Tuesday, 24 September 2019

My internet is fucked up and 80s music

Bad weather may be to blame for shitty internet reception in my part of the North country of the U.S. 

While I am trying to get my internet working properly, as in not stalling every 30 seconds, I am listening to 80s music. 

It's like the on-hold line music. What do you think of when you hear, "80s music?" 

Were you alive in the 80s? What 80s songs represent the 80s for you?

For me, the 80s were a mixed bag from punk to funk, to hard rock to pop-rock. 

1984...."Like a Virgin" by Madonna 

The entire "Footloose" soundtrack.....
Deniece Williams - Let's Hear It for the Boy [Footloose 1984]

The anthem of my life in the 80s.......
Prince "Let's Go Crazy"....

Impulse - Ep 1 "Pilot"

I've just come across this show on Youtube. It's on the premier channel but the 

episodes are free,it's one of the best shows I've seen for a long time,absolutely 

gripping,I'm on Ep.5 at the moment.

President Trumps Speech to U.N.

Trump has definitely put the cat among the pigeons with this speech.

THOT's gangbanger's ball NYE 2024 special!

  If you don't turn that up. You'll never live it down. -THOT. and Hangry Kittie......LOL. xoxox.