
Thursday, 30 September 2021

Behind the “Missing White Girl Syndrome”


Warning: Paul Elan does not mince words. He is founder of the men’s rights movement website “A Voice for Men” whose purpose was to counter feminist websites like the now- defunct Jezebel. This man is used to being called a misogynist among other things so he doesn’t care about the controversy he stirs up. His personality aside what do you think of his message, does he have a point, do you agree, did he go too far, or is he full of it? I look forward to seeing your comments below and remember to please keep it civil. Thank you!



πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...