
Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Banned Camp

No this isn't banned camp.
I thought once we all started going to blogs,things would be a little bit more informal and people wouldn't be so trigger happy,but I'm being banned for the most stupid things and have been pre-banned on blogs I've never posted on and by people whose channels I've never posted on,what is everybody so scared of.
Obviously there are still the sadists out there who love to insult people but are scared of getting it back.
Yes I've had to ban a few people on my blog for targeted harassment of some of my mods,but I'm happy for people to have a chance to say what they want to say before any consideration of banning and because of my low rep every time I go to a new site I'm in pending.
So what are your experiences have you been banned yet.

πŸŽ„Tis the Season πŸ”” Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...