
Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Shep Makes an Overdue Apology to dERp...

20200707 Shep as Author
Some months ago I incorrectly called dERp out.  I stated that her original Expect Resistance account had been deleted by disqus for posting revenge porn of a popular disqus commenter.  While it is true that dERp's original account was used to post this revenge porn, the result of that act was disqus' nuking of the Political Rhetoric Busters channel.

For reasons unknown it did not lead to the removal of dERp's original account.
Let me begin by stating I'm sorry, and eager to correct my error.  I want to explain myself.

dERp brought it to my attention that this was not the reason her original Expect Resistance account was nuked.  I thought it strange that she did not mention why the account had actually been removed, so I consulted my notes.
The original Expect Resistance account was removed by disqus because it was used to link to You Tube death threats against my family and myself.  No one understands better than I do the need to be precise when documenting dERp's bad behaviour.  I apologize for confusing which felony ultimately led to the removal of dERp's original account.
Just so we are clear where the responsibility lays:

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