
Friday, 12 July 2019

Reporting Covert Paul

Hello people.
So my blog has only been going for a few days and it's all ready
been reported not by one ,but by several people.
Of course it would be nice if the people that reported it ,would
tell me why,but you can't expect cowards to come out of the woodwork.
You can report me all you like for porn,because blogger allows it,and
you won't find any Hard Core porn on my blog,just soft core,so no
problem there.
I also want to run a free speech blog,to allow people to say what they like.
I won't allow people to be doxxed,however if people have already used their
own name and pictures of themselves on disqus,I see no problem with those
being used.
My first name is really Paul and that's a real picture of me in my avatar.
If someone posts a full name and surname of someone,address or picture of
someone they stole from another site,that wasn't published by the person themselves
on disqus ,then that will be removed.
I already have several ideas about who reported my blog,but I don't really care.
If I I ever get nuked I will be happy that all my time on disqus,I've never been a
snitch and tried to get a channel or account nuked,that's something wankers do.
Thanks to DTX for putting up a whole post about me,it must have taken a lot of
time and effort,I can't be bothered to do the same thing to you,I have a life in the
real world,I did find it very amusing though.

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