
Sunday 28 July 2024

Fears and Tears

             What was your most irrational fear as a child? 

                   A monster under your bed or in the closet? 

Did you get over the fear or are there still monsters under your bed? Or are the only monsters in your life now on this Disqus thingy? 👾

Wednesday 17 July 2024


 If you could talk to anyone or anything in the universe, dead or alive, who would that be and what would you say to that person or thing? 

                                     Honest Abe?

                                  Johnny and June?

                         Or some random English guy? 

                                        Sing It!

Monday 8 July 2024

Way out West.

Salt Creek Fire roars to 1,500 acres in Southern Oregon, evacuations issued near Hwy 140

Safe Link i wne there and was able to post here.

Couple of pics I was able o grab from other fire reports. 

I'll try to keep updating the fire season as much as possible. 

A Day In History

On September 14, 1814, US soldiers at Fort McHenry raised a large American flag after defeating the British during the War of 1812.   The si...