
Sunday, 27 September 2020

Ten Thoughts on What to Do if a BLM Riot Occurs Near Your Home


20200927 Shep Et al. as author

Have the BLM Riots happened near your home or business?  

The riot organizers have a plan.  The many cohesive violent small groups that make up the rioters each have a plan.  The criminals that BLM encourages to participate surely have a plan.  Each organized political subset, be they Communist, ANTIFA, Anarchist, or any other participating group, has a plan.

These criminals want to surprise you, hoping that you will not have time to make your own plan.  Consequences of not being prepared when these violent thugs come to your home will be life changing.  You must have a plan of your own, and it must be in force prior to your first contact with the rioters.  Because my family lives in an area affected by BLM rioters we have given this a lot of thought.  I'm sharing these thoughts here.

1.)  DON'T BE THERE. --  ANTIFA rarely files permits for demonstrations, but their PR group, BLM does.  Most municipalities have some amount of lead time required for the issuance of a demonstration or march permit.  The route will be published on that municipalities website.  This is an imperfect system.  In Oklahoma City the protestors have followed the permit route and locations generally, but at the end of the demonstration the leaders listed on the permits step back and the leaders of the subsequent planned riot step forward right on cue.

If your home or business is on the planned route, or between the planned route and the jail, municipal building, or capital building, your best first plan is to be somewhere else while the protestor-rioters are active.  Avoid the published route and major streets during your exit.  Your home is insured, and even if it isn't, nothing there is worth your life or the life of a loved one.  This is not the movies.  Good guys are often hurt, horribly disfigured, paralyzed, brain damaged for life, and even murdered by these BLM idiots.  

Tips 2 through 10 pertain to what you should consider if you are caught by surprise or must remain in your home even though you know a riot is likely to happen in your neighborhood.

2,)  Plan for a scenario in which the BLM/ANTIFA rioters wake you up in the middle of the night.  --  The Communists among these thugs are fascinated with the violence of the French Revolution.  They often write feverish fantasies about visiting La Terreur on suburban America.  

You have to be ready to respond to these terrorists in the middle of the night.  If your plan involves firearms, they have to be limbered and ready to use.  Real training from a gunfighting school will dramatically increase your family's odds of being on the prevailing, and hopefully unharmed side.  On ANTIFA/BLM nights sleep in cargo pants and an appropriate shirt.  If you must have socks wear them to bed.  Do not rely on sandals and flip flops.  You are likely to encounter fire and broken glass in many of these scenarios.  If you are forced into fighting, particularly ground fighting, having closed toed shoes is indescribably better than open-toed shoes.  Sneakers are the minimum acceptable. Boots are better than sneakers.  If choosing a boot, consider the trade offs between pull-ons and laced boots.  One is much faster.  The other is better when running.  If you are awakened in the middle of the night you will want a light and a smallish knife.  You will need a small flashlight.  I recommend one that can be attached to the bill of a baseball cap.  If you have never worked in remote situations under dark conditions, having a light on your hat is like having a third hand.  You then have two free hands to run a gun, carry children, help people up, operate doors, manipulate bad guys, find your keys, open a door, and anything else the situation requires.  

Keep in mind that the police in many cities are not responding to individual complaints until the next day.  In some cases they haven't responded for weeks.  You must plan as if you will be on your own.

3.)  Plan for a fire.  --  Even if you have fire extinguishers on every level of your home, your family is probably blind to them.  Ask at dinner if anyone knows where the fire extinguisher is in the kitchen, upstairs, in the basement, in the garage etc.  

For added safety make sure you can screw your shower head off by hand.  It may be corroded onto the pipe where it comes from the wall.  Most shower heads have the same threads as a garden hose.  On ANTIFA/BLM activity nights store your garden hose in your shower.  If you have a day’s notice, you might remove your shower head around dusk and place quick connects on the pipe and the hose.  This quick connect will be helpful if you are operating in a burning home with violent thugs chanting about killing you on the lawn.  Give consideration as to how long of a hose you need.  Having an adjustable nozzle that can be closed offers the advantage of extending the range of the hose as well as being able to stop the flow of water from the business end.  Keep in mind that if you use water to suppress a fire in your home you will very likely trip breakers.  That little flashlight we discussed earlier will suddenly become critical equipment.  Even better if it can be attached to your body for hands free operation.

4.)  Be aware of local law enforcement patterns. --  We have a lot of helicopter traffic over downtown Oklahoma City.  Air ambulances coming and going from the hospitals do not sound like the Chinooks and Blackhawks that fly over during Guard Manouvers.  None of them sound like the little Fennec looking jobs that OKC Police operates.  

These police helicopters have distinct paint jobs to go with their distinct sound.  If a group of rioters begins to form up at an intersection or a parking lot we can count on those helicopters, along with our gaudily painted news helicopters, circling the area.  Often it is our first indication that the night will be a problem.  Our local news will tell us to within about 50 meters the location of every tornado and cloud rotation in Oklahoma County.  These same newsrooms are nearly worthless for describing the location and activity of a destructive mob, even when their helicopters are overhead and their reporters are embedded with the thugs.  

5.)  Lights and televisions visible from the street need to be turned off.  --  ANTIFA/BLM thugs are sight predators.  There should be no indication of activity within your home to attract them.  If there is a television station in your area that reliably reports the movement and actions of these mobs, have a plan to have a family member monitor that channel in such a way that the blue light of the typical television is not visible around your blinds on the street.  

At night test the plan to see if any of the tell-tale blue light is visible from outside of your home.  Using a single earbud to monitor a reliable radio station will allow you to receive broadcast information while permitting reasonable auditory situational awareness of what is happening in your home and immediately outside. 

6.)  Don't make your house a target by with political statements.  --  Unfortunately this means you need to keep your Gadsen flags, POW/MIA flags, American Flags, and ANY sort of political signs concealed.

BLM/ANTIFA have a history of attacking anything connected with American political culture.  Keep in mind that BLM is a Marxian Communist movement invested in the violent deconstruction of all things American.  Even the Democrat party which turns a blind eye to their violence is a regular target.  It doesn’t matter what party you are in, or even if you foolishly support the BLM movement.  Anything and anyone connected to the American political system is at risk from these wannabe revolutionaries..

7.)  Don't assume you are safe because you are black or Democrat.  --  The rioters in Oklahoma City looted a native owned business.  In many cities BLM marchers looted what are obviously black owned businesses.  In Oklahoma City they firebombed a women’s charity in a stand alone building. In Seattle and Minneapolis they firebombed businesses owned by older black ladies.  BLM cares nothing about real black people.  

They are focused on destroying our country.  Civil rights to them is just the sheep's clothing used to conceal their wolves.

8.)  Direct confrontation comes with costs.  --  ANTIFA prides itself on their ability to harass people by obtaining their online information.  If you work for a large corporation, ANTIFA’s more socially acceptable public face, BLM will do everything possible to have you fired and “de-personed”.  Your family will be threatened.  If you own a small business, count on the thugs to send an arsonist to burn down the physical structure and to relentlessly lie and otherwise defame your work. You can also expect for your customers to be blackmailed and otherwise harrassed.  Your vendors will be harassed until they stop doing business with you.

One business owner who successfully defended himself and his property against violent BLM thugs recently was driven to suicide.  ANTIFA/BLM will bring this same level of pressure to bear on you if you directly confront them.

Even if you survive an ANTIFA/BLM confrontation, and you are somehow able to keep your job or business going, count on spending $100,000 at a minimum for a successful “self-defense” argument in the legal system.  There is no guarantee that your defense will be successful even after that kind of cash outlay.

Best to just NOT HAVE INTERACTION WITH BLM/ANTIFA THUGS.  Their time will quickly pass, hopefully with many of them doing time, and you will be able to return to your normal, productive, life.  

9.)  Know the signs that a demonstration is about to become a riot.  --  If you are between a BLM mob and a government building, you are in a likely riot zone.  If you live near a retail district particularly one with large glass windows and there are BLM “protesters” operating in the area, you are in a likely riot zone.  Regardless of your location, if it is after dark and BLM “protesters” are in your area, you are in a likely riot zone.  If you are watching a newscast, and a many of the “protestors” start running at the same time, THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A RIOT.  

At least as far back as the Sixties, Communists and Anarchists would hide themselves just behind a front line of naive  kids.  From this space they would toss Molotov cocktails, bricks, feces, and any other provocative object at the police.  When the police surged forward the gullible kids would get their heads cracked.  This makes for really great photo and video propaganda against the police.  Of course the Communists and their fellow travelers would have retreated to the relative safety of the back of the crowd, leaving non provacateurs to face the music. 

10.)  Have your stuff together BEFORE BLM/ANTIFA arrive at your home.  --  I recommend a tactical vest such as those offered by SIG.  Mine is XXL which allows me to wear it over a heavy coat.  My phone charges in it at night, along with the earbuds.  An M9 pistol is in the purpose built left interior breast pocket.  The tiny light which also clips to my hat lives in its own dedicated compartment.  A 3 1/2" spring assist knife has a its own spot.  The vest is also loaded with six extra pistol mags along with four more for the rifle.  

This rifle has a sling and will be slung for the entire duration of the trouble. It is very difficult for an untrained rioter to wrestle a properly slung rifle away from a good guy.  If you haven't trained on how to fire with a slung rifle, take a moment to watch some videos and GET REAL TRAINING FROM A REAL INSTRUCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

I hope this helps.  Once again, the best advice is to not be at a riot if you know a riot is likely to break out.  Any BLM protest is likely to become a riot.

This article was written both to teach and to learn.  Several friends offered ways of looking at things which our family had not previously considered during the writing process.  Any contributions to the topic of what to do if a riot breaks out around your home are welcome.

Saturday, 26 September 2020

Lost Pet Remembrance Thread at Covert Paul's.

 The summer of 2018 a small kitten appeared on my back porch. I rescued her. Named her Alfred the perpetrator. A threat to landlady dominion since 2018. The summer of 2020 she left one night and never came back. Use this thread to post memories of a lost pet. Songs okay too.

Alfred the perpetrator. Aged two years!

Thought about some songs. But I think she would like this one.


Friday, 25 September 2020

A story of Kindness, Generosity and Grace



In these times of turmoil, hate and division, acts of kindness get lost. It's my pleasure to share this wonderful story. 


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Protests erupt in response to Breonna Taylor decision

Protests erupt in cities across the United States after the police involved in the Brionna Taylor case were not charged with murder.

Monday, 21 September 2020

The Worst Rock Band In History?

 Many would agree that the worst band ever was The Shaggs. These girls were not musicians but their father bought them cheap instruments back in 1967 and forced them to “just figure it out, you’re going to be rock stars.” For this they were pulled out of school and performed at several local venues in 1968   where the audience would jeer and throw garbage at them. Of course, Frank Zappa loved them, saying they were one of his favorite bands and greater than The Beatles (well, Frank was a genius and they tend to be eccentric). After the death of their father shortly after their only album, The Shaggs broke up, got married, had children and lived normal lives.


But here’s the twist: in the mid 1970’s their music was rediscovered and while they gave up on playing they gained a cult following. I must confess that I also find their music…er, different. Try to listen to this song all the way through and if you know of any worst band than The Shaggs please enlighten us in the comment section.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Florida city to lift ban on 'saggy pants'- 13 years after it was put in place.

 A ban on 'saggy pants'that revels a persons underwear is set to be lifted in a South Florida city- 13 years after it was put in place.

The city commission in Opa-locka,northeast of Miami,has voted 4 to 1 to repeal both the original 2007 legislation and a 2013 ordinance that said men and women could receive civil citations if they breached the ban.

Signs are in place around the city to warn people not to get caught with their pants down.

One shows an image of two young men wearing pants below their waists and features the words:"No ifs,and or's the city law!"

Wednesday's vote was a first reading of the repeal,meaning it will need to be approved again at a subsequent commission meeting before it's official,the Miami Herald reports.

However the item was co-sponsored by four of the five commissioners.

Vice Mayor Chris Davis,who sponsored the repeal,told the Miami Herald: " I was never in support of it,even as a resident."

"I felt it disproportionately affected a certain segment of our population,which is young,African-American men."

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) called the ban a " ridiculous waste of public resources",it would "impose overly harsh penalties for victimless behaviour" and disproportionately affect young black people.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Racism, dERpy At Critical Theory, and Winning Arguments by Changing the Meanings of Words

 20200913 Shep as Author

Some days are like Christmas-come-early.  Friday was one of them.

Anyone capable of original rational thought has become accustomed to being called "RAAAACISSSSSST" by the products of the snarling Leftist university monoculture.  The word has lost real meaning.  Being called a "racist" in the absence of racist behaviour has become something of a joke among non-Cult-of-Social-Justice members.

If you happen to be among the nominally educated products of said university system, monoculture is an antonym for your high holy word, diverse.  I'd take a moment to educate you further about the difference, but if you can't figure it out from context, you are probably too damaged to have any chance of actually being helped.  Your best hope for further survival is to continue to exactly parrot what the "smart people" are supposed to believe, and perhaps no one will call you out on your inability to think for yourself.

Anyway, about Friday...

I asked everyone's favorite mentally handicapped representative for Marxian Critical Theory to define racism.  To the utter astonishment of many observers, she obliged!  Of course in her, way, she chose to go with a cut-and-paste.

Her dERpy desire to be a helpful crypto-Communist compelled ER to provide the obligatory helpful link.  Even the most casual reader immediately notices that the link is not to a dictionary, but instead to formerly proud civil rights organization that has succumbed to cultural Marxism.  .

Had our Disney Princess wannabee elected to go with a dictionary, she would have found something like this:

This is literally the first definition that comes up on a google search.  It is also representative of what the overwhelming majority of Americans properly understand to be racism.

Well, if one can't justify riots with logic, I suppose one could change the meanings of words in hopes that no one else will notice.  That would still be winning the argument, right?


Words have meanings.  The nasty little cult of social justice is trying to appropriate words by sneakily teaching an alternative definitions.  Just because dERp was fooled doesn't mean most people were.  She is so easily led.

Those of us who live in the real world know that no one is deceived when these cultists call themselves "anti-racist" while clearly practicing racism.  Same story when they call themselves "anti-fascist" while their actions are precisely those of...Fascists!

(Hat Tip to Bargo for inspiring that last paragraph.)

Friday, 11 September 2020

The Long-Term Effects Of Methamphetamine


Want to see what the use of meth will do to your face as well as frying your brains to the level of a useful idiot? These are 12 of the antifa who were just released from jail without bail.


Take a look. Go on, take a GOOD look.

After 100+ nights of rioting, Mayor Ted Wheeler bans CS teargas as crowd control in Portland

Portland,Oregon Mayor Ted Wheeler bans use of CS gas in ongoing protests and riots.

After more than 100 days of demonstrations for racial justice,Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has banned the city's police force from using CS gas,a widely used form of tear gas to disperse rioters.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Beer Made With Whale Testicle And Sheep Dung Among Exhibits At 'Disgusting' Booze Museum

 A museum dedicated to stomach-churning food has added equally off-putting alcoholic drinks to it's displays,including wine fermented in a prison toilet (ER's favourite).

The disgusting food museum in Malmo,Sweden,said it wanted people to examine their relationship with booze by seeing the extreme lengths others will go to while craving a mind-altering brew.

There is a spit fermented cornmeal beer from Peru,a Ugandan gin made from fermented bananas,and an ancient Korean beverage fermented from children's faeces and rice,which was thought to be medicinal in the past.

There is also a strong Scottish brew served from the mouth of a taxidermied Squirrel,and an Icelandic beer made from whale testicle smoked in sheep dung.

Museum director Andreas Ahrens said people can be "very desperate to get drunk".

He added: "So whenever we find ourselves in a situation where there is no alcohol, we get quite inventive and we've been doing this for millennia."

While many of the drinks on display are commonly consumed in many parts of the world,they maybe considered challenging by outsiders.

Food items at the museum,which opened two years ago,include bull testicle,maggot-infested cheese,frog smoothies from Peru and a wine made of baby mice that is consumed in China.

One display tells the story of what happened in the Soviet Union when the government closed alcohol stores to reduce drunkenness-many people died after drinking perfumes and vanish.

Pondering strange drinking habits when alcohol is scarce, Mr Ahrens said: "Some of these things are so normal in some societies.Should it really be that normal?

"Why don't we listen to our brains and go,'Hey,if it tastes this way,maybe we shouldn't drink it?"

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Man Blows Up Part Of His House While Trying To Swat A fly

 A man in France has accidentally blown up part of his house while trying to chase a fly with an electric swat.

The man in his 80s,was eating his dinner on Friday evening when he became annoyed at a fly buzzing around him.

He picked up the electronic fly swat and took aim at it,as he was unaware of a gas cylinder leaking at his home in the village of Parcoul-Chenaud in Dordogne.

A reaction occurred between the swat and the gas,causing an explosion and part of his kitchen to blow up.

The blast also damaged part of the roof and the house is currently uninhabitable.

Somehow the man managed to escape the catastrophe with just a burn to his hand.

His family are repairing the house while he resides at a local campsite.

It's not known what happened to the fly.

Saturday, 5 September 2020

THOT's Gangbanger's Ball


Not much to do next weekend? I'll be back with something next Saturday? Not sure what? Prolly no one cares? All you see with this is Ball and all the Paul's admin are posting videos? Maybe don't even read the OP anymore?

Orange blossom special

Old Hank

If you don't turn that up. You'll never live it down.

-THOT. and Hangry Kittie......LOL. xoxox.

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Pick A House...Any House

 Which house from a movie or TV show would you like to live in?

                            The Home Alone house?

                       The Addams Family house?

                       The Brady Bunch house?

The Beverly Hillbillies shack? Some prefer to live off the grid.

   Or pick your own house. So, let's get to pickin'!

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

“Death to America” was chanted Iran style by 700 Black Bloc

Oakland,California on August 31st:"This wasn't widely reported. On Wednesday night 
around 700 black bloc militants and their supporters rampaged through Oakland,
California. They chanted "death to America"while starting fires and smashing cars 
and buildings.

🎄Tis the Season 🔔 Open Thread

Its December so lets celebrate with music, giffs, memes and all the things that make this time of year and season special!   Movies! Share y...